I realise that it's been a while since I've written anything. Life has been pretty busy ever since I've come back to University. I've been meaning to update my blog but some how I haven't been sure of what to write. The trick I guess is to just put "finger to keypad" and let the thoughts flow.
For those who may be interested, I've been good. I finish my masters in April and I will be ready to enter the "real world". But the real world aint all that willin to take me in!
For starters the recession has dampened all job prospects. No one is willing to hire and no one seems to be getting fired. I wish people would be laid off, so that we(or maybe just I) could get a job. There has to be a point to people losing jobs, which is morons such as I, with no experience whatsoever and no clue, finally find work.
Finding work is exasperating. You think you know what you want and you are willing to join anything that remotely matches your interest. Every time you hear something new you're willing to try it, you think it sounds really great, you're bloody impressed and you don't listen to that tiny voice that keeps saying "Oi! this is NOT what you want". You go for the test, you attend the interview, you're even given a call letter. But you're not thrilled, exuberant, excited or even happy.
Why can't jobs be tailor made for people? They should be available all the time. If they're short, new stock should be ordered for immediately! People should be able to walk into the job market, browse around, try out a few things, make faces at the rest and walk away with that one job that excites them so much that they're waiting to try it the moment they're up. Job shopping would be such a great aphrodisiac.
My interests require me to exercise my brain for not more than two hours, is there a job that matches this description? I want to be able to get to work at 10 or maybe 11 and leave by 4 Sirji. I want to be completely engrossed and not just FaceBook to let my friends know how bored I am at work. I want to be passionate about my job and be fuelled by it. I want to be able to wake up every morning desperate to start work. I want to work as... See that's the problem. I don't know what I want. Mr Boss Man can you please figure what I am good at? Can you please be impressed with what ever I manage to gurgle. Mr Boss Man can you please pay me 20 Thousand Rupees. Wherefore art thou Mr Boss Man?
I have come to realise I have no searing interest or passion with which I can build a career immediately. Why can't I find a job that makes me a film maker par excellence or a popular column writer not over night, but just now. Why, why, oh why do I have to start at the bottom? Why must I struggle? Why can't everything be handed to me on (the proverbial) silver plate? Whew.
I have no sequential train of thought.
And thats one more thing about careers why do they take time and why in the name of God do they have to be "built"? Madhulika seeks to build her career as a writer. Anil wants to build his career as a film maker.
Build, build, build. All this building is really taking it's toll. I am tired. I've been trying to build for the past five years, yet I'm getting no where. So far I've built a very unstable and shaky foundation. I've started on a column, but the architect has warned me. He tells me that my building will soon be a beautiful pile of rubble, "If" I'm not careful.
"If I'm not careful", I yell. "What do you mean, if I'm not careful"?

"Nothing just that...mnnnnmng"
"mnnnnmng? MNNNNMNG?"
"I mean you shouldn't start with the column as yet. G-g-g-g get the foundation right first."
"I can't g-g-g-g get the foundation right, because the foundation bores me stiff. I can't work on it any more. I am done with the foundation. I have to build on this call-it-what-you-might foundation."
"You Suck"
"Go away".
"No wait...
Architect-architect, God's own man,
Build me a building as fast as you can.
Build it and paint it and mark it with 'M',
Show me the blue print, TODAY my men."